
Showing posts from April, 2018


WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS BEST EXAM EVER AGRIC SCIENCE PORTAL =============================== KEEPING REFRESHING IN EVERY 5MIN =============================== *Real and Correct 2018 WAEC SSCE Agric Obj Answer* 01-10: ACCADBDDBB 11-20: DDAABACBBA 21-30: CDCCADDDBA 31-40: BDDAACDDCD 41-50: CCBACBBBCC Sir_AYOSTUFFS OBJ ANSWER LOADING =======≠====================== (1ai) Basic Ammenities: -It makes able bodied me to migrate from rural to urban areas in search of job -Poor processing facilities for farm produce -Shortage of water for irrigation purposes for all season cropping -Poor health services reduces the productivity of farmers (1aii) Farm inputs: -Available farm inputs are of inferior quality,outdated and crude -Farm inputs like chemicals,fertilizers,tools and implements are grossly inadequate -Modern farm inputs are not produced in Nigeria -Farm inputs are expensive to buy and maintain 2A i. It helps in the absorption of mineral salt  ii. It helps in transportation of nutrient...


NECO SSCE TIMETABLE, 2018/2019 NECO TIMETABLE  NECO 2018 TIMETABLE: Monday 21ST May 2018 to Friday 25th May 2018 Practical – Physical Education Practical – Auto Mechanics Practical – Woodwork Practical – Home Management Practical – Foods and Nutrition Paper I: Performance Test, Music Technology/Alternative Paper IV: Aural Music Paper IV: Oral French Paper IV: Oral Arabic Practical – Auto Body Repair and Spray Painting Paper I: Auto Electrical Work Practical – Auto Mechanical Work Practical – Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Practical – Welding and Fabrication, Engineering Craft Practice Practical – Electrical Installation & Maintenance Work Practical – Radio, Television and Electronics Work Practical – Blocklaying, Bricklaying and Concrete Work Paper IV: Exhibition – Painting and Decoration Practical – Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Practical – Machine Woodworking Practical – Carpentry and Joinery Practical – Furniture Making Practical – Upholstery Practi...


WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS BEST EXAM EVER PORTAL Agriculture science practices answer (1a)  Specimen A - It is used for falling of trees  - It is used for cutting the roots during stumping. - It is used for cutting logs of woods into smaller pieces  Specimen B - It is used for lifting and tuning the soil  - It is used for levelling of the soil  - It is used for digging holes during transplanting  Specimen D - It is used for transplanting of seedling  - It is used for applying manure after and before planting  - It is used for nursery operation / practice Specimen F - It is used for pulverizing the soil  - it is used for aerating the soil  - It is used for transplanting seedlings  (1b)  - The Metal part should be sharpened when blunt  - The metal part should be oiled or greased to prevent rusty  - The wooden part should be stored or kept in a place that termite cannot eat it - Store in a cool and dry place ===...


WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS BEST EXAM EVER PORTAL ============================ Commerce-Obj 1DCBABDDBBB 11ABDBDCCCCD 21BACCABABBC 31ABCADDDADA 41CCBBCAAABB Completed ======≠===================== 2018 WAEC MAY/JUNE COMMERCE OBJ AND THEORY (1a) -The size of the market: The most common limitation to division of labor is the size of the market. By the size of the market, what is meant is the size of the demand for a particular commodity. If the size of the market is very small and demand of the commodity or product is not high, then division of labor cannot really be practiced. -Some work cannot be broken down into a number of processes. Not all work can be compatible with division of labor. The production of certain commodities is so simple that it involves only one or two processes. And in these cases it is rational and also economically rational to avoid division of labor.  (1b) -Work becomes dull and monotonous -Increased dependence -Greater risk of unemployment (1c) -Increase in Producti...


WELCOME TO AYO STUFFS BEST EXAM EVER PORTALS (1ai) -Turkey -Duck (1aii) -Goat -Sheep (1aiii) -Sheep -Goat (1b) (i) Serves as food for man (ii) A good source of protein (iii) The shell is used for vim making (iv) Serves as income to farmers ============================== 2a) i)For meat ii)For income  iii)For manure,  iv)For skin and fur. 2b) i)Meat ii)Belt 2c) Serviced on 12th May and conceived the same day.  Kindling date cycle of Specimen E is approximately 31 days.  In other to find his kindling date.  Therefore 12+31 =43  Since June runs off on 30day Now,  43-30 = 13th. Therefore the kindly date of Specimen E is predicted to be on or before 13th June 2016 2d) i)By Reducing stress in rabbits  ii)By segregation of affected animals 2e) Endoparasite are rundworms and whipworms Ectoparasites are tick and lice ================== 3a) (i) By the use of chemicals (ii) Through the use of biological method (iii) By the use of predators (iv) By physica...

WAEC 2018 Government Obj And Essay Answer – May/June Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFF BEST EXAM EVER PORTAL ============================= Government OBJ: 1CADBCBBBDB 11BDDCDABAAB 21ACCAAACAAB 31ADDCDDDDCC 41ACAAACDDBB =============================== (1a)  Society is referred to as the association of human beings. This suggests the whole complex of relations of man to his fellows. 1b) (i) Society is a largest human group. (ii) It satisfies the needs of its members. (iii)One of the characteristic of society is having sense of belonging and cooperation. It is more or less permanent association (iv) It is abstract (Because social relationships can be felt and imagined and cannot be seen). (v) Everyone in society is dependent upon every other member. (vi) It should be organized i.e. will be having division of labor. (vii) "There is consciousness of kind." Among the members of society. (viii) It is always changing. It has its own means to survive. (ix) It is a self-sufficient social system. (x)It lasts for a longer period of time than grou...

WAEC 2018 Geography Practical Solution Answer – May/June Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS GEOGRAPHY PORTAL ============================================ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MINS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WAEC 2018 GEOGRAPHY ANSWERS  (1a and 1b) Draw diagram (1c)  Gradient = vertical height/horizontal height.  = 1100 - 850/12.4×50,000 =250ft =250/6.2km =40.32ft/km (1d) (i) It is the major drainage of the mapped area.  (ii) It has a trellis drainage pattern.  (1c) Gradient= vertical night/horizontal range VE=1100-850/12.4×50000 =250ft HE=12.5cm x 50,000/100,00 =6.25km. Gradient=250/6250 =25/625 =1/25 Gradient is 1 in 25. 2c) -If well constructed it shows distribution and comparative densities -It is easier to show variation in distribution of wide variety of commodities if it is presented using different colours. ========================== 4ai) i)caves ii)sinkholes iii)skyline landscapes 4aii) Drawing 4b) i)Limestone are all used to neutralise excess acidity of soil in agriculture practi...

WAEC 2018 Physics Obj And Essay Answer – May/June Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS PHYSCIAL PORTAL ============================================ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MINS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _WAEC 2018 PHYSICS ANSWERS_ PHYSICS OBJ: 1-10 CAABACBADB 11-20 ACCCDABDCC 21-30 DBADCABCAB 31-40 CCBBCCBABD 41-50 BDCDBABBDC =======================  COMPLETE PHYSICS OBJ ============================= *1a* Strain is force (a part of one's body or oneself) to make an unusually great effort. ============================ 1b) Strain=extension/length Let original length=L Final length=2L Extension=2L-L=L Strain=L/L=1 ============================== 2 ) i ) quantity of charge ii) nature of element iii ) Time 2bi The boiling point of a liquid Is the point at which The vapour pressure is equal To atmospheric pressure ================================ 3) -Diamagnetic material -Paramagnetic material -Ferromagnetic material ) 4a) An intrinsic semiconductor is an undoped semiconductor that is a pure semiconductor without...

WAEC 2018 Biology Obj And Essay Answer – May/June Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS BIOLOGY PORTAL ============================================ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MINS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WELCOME TO WAEC BIOLOGY PORTAL Thursday, 19th April, 2018 Biology 2 (Essay) – 2:00 p.m. – 3:40 p.m. Biology 1 (Objective) – 3:40 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================= KEEP REFRESHING THIS PAGE ============================= Biology-Obj 1BDDCCBCDBC 11ADCDCCAACC 21CAABBBBCBC 31CABCCACDAA 41ABBDDADDAB ======================================== (1ai)  A sperm cell consists of a head, middle piece and a whip-like tail. At the anterior end of the head is a structure called Acrosome. This Acrosome contains a liquid which facilitates the entry of the sperm into an egg. The middle piece contains numerous mitochondria which are involved in producing energy needed for propelling the sperm after ejaculation. The tail is for movement.  (1aii)  A palisad...

WAEC 2018 Financial Accounting Obj And Essay Answer – May/June Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING PORTAL ============================================ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MINS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _WAEC 2018 FINANCIAL ACCOUNT OBJ_ 1-10   DBBDAACBBC 11-20 CDAAABBBCA 21-30 A-CABCBDDC 31-40 BABBDDACDB 41-50 CCCBACCCAC *_ALL THE BEST AYOSTUFFS_* 1a) i)It can result in a business exhausting the budget, leading to spending more than what is coming in. ii)Businesses may need to file for bankruptcy or shut their doors if they fail to keep adequate records from the beginning. iii)It can result in problems with suppliers, payroll, utilities, and other vital components to a running successful business. 1b) - Relevance means an account information to make a difference in decision making - Comparability means an account information can be used to compare different entities - Consistency: information is consistently presented from year to year  - Reliability means an account ...