2018 NECO GCE – Government (Objective & Essay) NOW AVAILABLE
WEL COME TO AYOS TUFFS NECO GCE BEST EXAM EVER ================================ KEEP REFR ESHING TH IS PAGE IN EVERY 5MIN ================================= *Government obj verified* 1-10- BBADEEAAAE 11-20 DAEDEEECEA 21-30 DAABBBECDC 31-40 ADDCEDDBEB 41-50 DCDAEEABEC 51-60 EAEBBEDBDE Completed *NECO GCE 2018 GOVERNMENT ANSWERS* *1a* Capitalism is an economic system in which capital goods are owned by private individuals or businesses. The production of goods and services is based on supply and demand in the general market (market economy), rather than through central planning (planned economy or command economy). *(1b)* (i) *Right of private Property* (i) Every individual has the right to accumulate property, (ii) An individual is free to use his property according to his will and (iii) Right of inheritance, i.e., after death of an individual his property goes to his successors. (ii) *Price mechanism:* Price mechanism means the free working of the forces of demand and supply to...