
Showing posts from November, 2020

» NECO 2020 Animal Husbandry Obj And Essay Answer – Oct/Nov Expo «

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS BEST EXAM EVER ===================================== KEEP REFRESH THIS PAGE IN EVERY 5MIN =================================== Animal husbandry OBJ 1-10: EDEBABCDDE 11-20: BECBCEBEEB 21-30: EADBADCAEE 31-40: DCCACABBDA ANIMAL HUSBANDRY THEORY (1a) Spermatogenesis is the process by which haploid spermatozoa develop from germ cells in the seminiferous tubules of the testis. This process starts with the mitotic division of the stem cells located close to the basement membrane of the tubules. These cells are called spermatogonial stem cells. (1bi) (i)it regulate menstruation (ii)it support pregnancy in the female body (1bii) (i)milk production (ii) development of mammary glands within breast tissue (1c) Tabulate -Exhalation- (i)it is the act of exhaling air taking in (ii) size of chest decrease (iii) volume of lungs Refund causes deflation (iv)air pressure increase -Inhalation- (i)it is the act of breathing in (ii)size of chest increase (iii) volume of lungs raises caus...

NECO 2020 Animal Husbandry Practical Solution Answer – Oct/Nov Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS BEST EXAM EVER ===================================== KEEP REFRESH THIS PAGE IN EVERY 5MIN =================================== ANIMAL HUSBANDRY (1a) Specimen A - Udder of a goat Specimen B - Liver of a cattle Specimen C - Testes of a goat (1b) (i) milk in clean environment (ii)keeping the dip and dip cup clean at all times (iii)teat pre-dipped and post dipped (1c) (i)inject the doe with oxytocin before milking (ii)massaging the udder with bag balm (iii)proper feed (1d) Castration (1e) (i)to control indiscriminate mating (ii)to make Animal become docile and easy to handle (iii)to quicken the fattening up of the animal (iv)to prevent male animal with bad trait from being used for breading purposes (1f) (i)it is darken red in color (ii)it is divided into (2) two cups (1g) (i)it regulate the blood sugar (ii)it helps in fat metabolism (iii)it helps in regulating animal body temperature (iv)it helps in digesting the food animal has eaten (v)it helps produce plasma Protein...

NECO 2020 Literature-In-English Obj And Prose Answer – Oct/Nov Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS BEST EXAM EVER ===================================== KEEP REFRESH THIS PAGE IN EVERY 5MIN =================================== LITERATURE OBJ 1-10: AADCBBBACB 11-20: BCEEDDEAEE 21-30: CBBEBBEBBA 31-40: BEAEDDAADE 41-50: BEEECACDEE 51-60: BCBEECCACD *You are asked to Answer ONE Question from each section.* There are two Sections: *(Section I & II)* Section I (Questions *1 - 4*) Section II (Questions *5-8*) *Section I* (2) MUTE is a non governmental organization devoted and interested  in documentation and information building. Dina is the name of the founder and boss of MUTE. MUTE’s work is largely related to social issue, gender issue and child issue           As Kabria leaves the hairdresser's salon, she prays that Fofo be around at their appointed place. Luckily, from some distance, she beholds Fofo reclining on her car somewhat awkwardly. She calls to her but the girl does not respond. When the girl responds to the second attempt ...

NECO 2020 Civic Education Obj And Essay Answer – Oct/Nov Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS BEST EXAM EVER ===================================== KEEP REFRESH THIS PAGE IN EVERY 5MIN =================================== *NECO CIVIC EDUCATION ANSWERS* CIVIC EDUCATION 1-10: ADDDBEABBA 11-20: CDDCEDCAAC 21-30: ACDEDCECDE 31-40: BDEDDCEEBD 41-50: EDAEEEEDEC 51-60: DCCDDCAAAC =============================== *SECTION A* _(Answer ONLY TWO Questions From This Section)_ (1a) UDHR stand for 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights'  (1b) (i) Conduct investigation into cases of human rights violation: The declaration in Human Rights Defenders emphasises the check on human rights violation by outlining the obligation to conduct a "prompt and impartial investigation" or inquiry's whenever there's "reasonable ground" to believe that a violation has occurred. States have the obligation to conduct exhaustive and impartial investigation into allegations of human rights violation in order to identify and bring to justice the perpetrators.  (...

NECO 2020 Computer Studies Obj And Essay Answer – Oct/Nov Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS BEST EXAM EVER ===================================== KEEP REFRESH THIS PAGE IN EVERY 5MIN =================================== *NECO COMPUTER STUDIES ANSWERS* COMPUTER OBJ 1-10: DDCDDEEBCA 11-20: AECEDAEACB 21-30: BCCAADCDDE 31-40: EAECAEDEAC 41-50: CEAABDABAD 51-60: ACCCAAADDD (1a) (i) Ctrl + F11 --->lock a field so it can not be edited  (ii) Ctrl + T ---> create a hanging indent (iii) Shift + F11 ---> jump to pervious field in a document (iv) Ctrl + R ---> Align Right (1b) [Choose ANY FOUR] (i) Accurate: Information should be fair and free from bias. It should not have any arithmetical and grammatical errors. Information comes directly or in written form likely to be more reliable than it comes from indirectly (from hands to hands) or verbally which can be later retracted. (ii) Complete: Accuracy of information is just not enough. It should also be complete which means facts and figures should not be missing or concealed. Telling the truth but not...

NECO 2020 Geography Human and Regional Answer – Oct/Nov Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS BEST EXAM EVER ===================================== KEEP REFRESH THIS PAGE IN EVERY 5MIN =================================== *NECO GEOGRAPHY II SOLUTIONS* [COMPLETED SOLUTION] *SECTION A* _(Answer ANY TWO Questions)_ (1a) Optimum population can be defined as the number of people that can be supported by the available resources in an area, so as to achieve the highest possible standard of living. (1bi) Over population: Over population is defined as a situation whereby the population is considered too large for the available resources, for people to enjoy the highest possible standard of living. In other worlds, over population refers to a situation where the population exceeds the available resources. Over population provides large labour force for industries. It is also a source of large market for the goods produced by the industries. (1bii) Mortality rate: Mortality rate is also known as Death rate. It refers to the rate at which people (both adult and children)...

» NECO 2020 Physics Obj And Essay Answer – Oct/Nov Expo «

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS BEST EXAM EVER ===================================== KEEP REFRESH THIS PAGE IN EVERY 5MIN =================================== If you want to Get the Answers Direct To Your Phone As Sms, Kindly Send MTN Recharge Card worth of N1000 Please always use MTN Number to subscribe for Direct Mobile for fast delivery of the answer Or If you want to Get the Answers Online Via Our Password/ Link Kindly Send MTN Recharge Card worth of N600 How to Subscribe for the answer: Send The card pin, Subject name(PHYSICAL) obj, essay/theory) and your phone number via SMS to 09094575612 Subscription Will End 1 hours Before Each Exam Starts NOTE:- Direct Mobile Candidates Gets Answers on their Phone number as SMS before Exam start. NOTE:- Please Do Not Call Our Number, Just Send Message, All SMS Sent To The Above Number Are Attended To, Our Phone Number Might Be Diverted To Avoid Distraction. Always Send Us SMS Of Your Complaint we will reply to your message immediately. WE DON’T TALK MUCH...

NECO 2020 Biology Obj And Essay Answer – Oct/Nov Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS BEST EXAM EVER ===================================== KEEP REFRESH THIS PAGE IN EVERY 5MIN =================================== NECO BIOLOGY ANSWERS BIOLOGY OBJ 1-10: ECDADACEAD 11-20: CAACCDDEDC 21-30: CCCAAEEDED 31-40: BBCEDACEEA 41-50: DDDCDCADAE 51-60: DCCEAADADB ==================================== You Are To AnswerThree(3) Questions  Only. We Answered All 1,2,3,4,5. Pls Pick Three(3) ==================================== (1a) DIAGRAM: (Make Sure Your Drawing is 8-10cm) [] (1b) (i) Predation: This is a relationship between two organism in which one feeds on the other organisms. The one feeding on the other is called the predator while the one they are feeding on is known as the prey. Eg: owls hunting mice. (1bii) (ii) Mutualism: This is the relationship between two organisms in which both benefits from the feeding eg  association. Eg: Sea anemones and Clownfish (1ci) (i) Epigeal germination (ii) Hypogea germination (1cii) (...