NECO 2021 Civic Education Obj And Essay Answer – July/August Expo






(Answer TWO questions from this section)

Civic education is a public, socially-oriented system of continuous education and upbringing aimed at building civic competence, democratic culture, and satisfying the needs for socialization in the interests of the individual, civil society and the rule of law.

(Pick any THREE)
(i) Political stability
(ii) Peace and Equality
(iii) Patriotism
(iv) Sustainable Development:

(i) Political stability: A country where people know their rights and obligations tend to enjoy relative peace that enhances political and economic stability in the state. Besides, citizenship education helps to reduce cases of human rights abuses in society. The level of acrimony is reduced thereby ensuring stability in the country.

(ii) Peace and Equality: Civic education teaches us to respect each other’s belief and see each other as brothers or equal. One sad reoccurrence in our society today is ethnicity and religious superiority.

(iii) Patriotism: Through Civic education, we as citizens begin to feel love, devotion and attachment to our country. Obeying the laws of the land, promoting good values, shunning vices and active participation in the governance of the nation.

(iv) Sustainable Development: The curriculum of Civic education is structured to address the goals of sustainable development which are summed up into social justice, ecological sustainability, good governance and economic productivity.

(Pick any FOUR)
(i) Family
(ii) School
(iii) Peer-group
(iv) Mass media
(v) Religions institutions
(vi) Community


Cultism can be defined as a ritual practice by a group of people whose membership, initiation, policies, and activities are done secretly and carried out at odd hours of the day and they often clash with the accepted norms and values of everyday life.

(Pick any four)
(i) The overwhelming influence of peer pressures has been identified as one of the major reasons why students join cult. 
(ii) Low self-esteem can make a student to join cult group in order to feel important.
(iii) Power or position seeking can lead a student into joining cult group.
(iv) Parental background can influence a student into joining cult.
(v) Exposure to violence and crime-related films
(vi) Quest for academic success

(Pick any FIVE)
(i) Breakdown of law and order.
(ii) Violence and social instability.
(iii) Disruption of academic activities.
(iv) Disorientation of societal values.
(v) Premature death of youths who are cult members/innocent victims.
(vi) Drug addiction and related health problems


(Answer TWO questions from this section)

(i) Right to life.
(ii) Right to freedom of expression.
(iii) Right to fair and equal hearing.
(iv) Right to freedom of movement.
(v) Right to own property.

(i) Right to life: This right you to live or to exist. Nobody has the right to kill another person or himself or herself.

(ii) Right to freedom of expression: Under this right, everyone is free to hold opinions, express same or receive or impart ideas and information without interference. This is the right to say whatever one wants to say. The press I.e Newspapers e.t.c. have the right to say or report any news without being harassed or forced not to do so.

(iii) Right to fair and equal hearing: Every Citizen has the right to be listened to before they are punished. Even it a thief is caught stealing the court has to listen to his or her defence before dispensing judgment.

(iv) Right to freedom of movement: Every citizen of Nigeria is free to move from one part to the other and to reside in any part of the country. No citizen of Nigeria must be denied entry into and movement out of Nigeria.

(v) Right to own property: Every person is entitled to own private property and no movable or immovable property or the interest from it can be compulsory acquired in any part of Nigeria.


(i) Social distancing: Stay at least 1 metre away from others, even if they do not appear to be sick, since people can have the virus without having symptoms. Avoid large gatherings, public spaces and public transportation. Avoid social touching, this includes shaking hands, kissing or hugging, instead try a hand wave or a smile.

(iii) Wearing of mask: A cloth face covering may not protect the wearer, but it may keep the wearer from spreading the virus to others. To reduce the spread of COVID-19, it is recommended that people should wear cloth face coverings in public settings when around people outside of their household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.

(iii) Avoid touching surfaces of public facilities: Touching of surfaces, especially in public settings or health facilities should be avoided, in case people infected with COVID-19 have touched them. Clean surfaces regularly with standard disinfectants.

(iv) Frequent washing/cleaning of hands: Clean your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer. It is essential to carry alcohol-based sanitizer with you whenever you are going out and use it often.

(v) Vaccination: Get vaccinated. Follow guidance and recommendations about vaccination. This can prevent risk of spreading corona-virus


(3i) Free press means that people have the right to give information and express opinions through publication without fear of government censorship, interference, or retribution, such as physical violence or imprisonment.

Indirect democracy refers to a system of government in which the people control the government through elected politicals officials . The elected representatives represent the people as opposed to the direct democracy.

Voting is the process of formally indicating one's choice or opinion especially in an election or referendum. It is also the casting of ballots for eligible aspirants by eligible voters. Voters are those who have the right to vote or those who cast their ballots in an election.

(8a) A representative democracy is a system where citizens of a country vote for government representatives to handle legislation and ruling the country on their behalf. 

(i) Governing framework
(ii) Elected legislature
(iii) Independent Judiciary
(iv) Appointment of officials

(i) Governing framework: Representative democracies typically have an established framework within which the government must operate. It establishes election procedures, checks and balances, separation of powers, which roles must be elected, and other basic principles.

(ii) Elected legislature: In a representative democracy, at least part of the legislative body is elected for the people. In most, this is the case with the entire legislative body.

(iii) Independent Judiciary: There is generally an independent judiciary body in a representative democracy. This body has the power to determine whether or not laws enacted by the legislative body are consistent with the constitution (or other governing framework) for the country.

(iv) Appointment of officials: Representative democracies provide mechanisms by which elected officials can appoint people to serve in certain roles.



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