WAEC 2021 Civic Education Obj And Essay Answer – Aug/ Sept Expo






WAEC Civic Education ESSAY Answers

Modern mode of popular participation is the mode of
popular participation carried out through expressing of
oneself through the mass media.
[Pick Any SiX]
(i) Legitimacy of elected governments: If citizens actively
participate in electoral process, society will have an
elected legitimate government.
(ii) National development: There will be rapid socio-
economic development if citizens participate in the
electoral or political process.
(iii) Political stability: This ensures law and order for
economic and political development in the society.
(iv) Responsible and responsive government: The society
will elect or get a government that is receptive to the
people’s concerns, needs and aspirations.
(v) Political awareness: When citizens participate in the
electoral/political process, they will become politically
conscious, enjoy their rights and perform corresponding
duties and obligations to the society.
(vi) Credible elections: When citizens actively participate
in the electoral or political process it will confer credibility
on the process.
(vii) Peaceful order of succession: Peaceful transition is
ensured from one regime to another.
(viii) Peace and harmony: When citizens actively
participate in the political process they will enjoy peace
and harmony without much agitation.
(ix) Accountability, transparency, due process and probity:
Active participation of citizens in the political process
ensures accountability, transparency, due process and
probity in governance for the common good of the
Youth Empowerment is a development programme aimed
at creating opportunities that will encourage and develop
the youths to be morally responsible, self-reliant and
financially productive citizens.
(i) Life Coping Skills: These are natural skills which every
organism including man, acquires from birth to adapt
fittingly in his or its environment. They are survival
Instincts or skills.
(ii) Manipulative Skills: These skills are seen in skills
acquisition centres as it involves economic activities that
inculcate skills such as technical education.
(iii) Intellectual Skills: These skills are coordinates in
character. It is the literary or theoretical frameworks that
guide the practical aspects of the works, economic and
scientific undertakings
(iv) Communicative Skills: Communication is a very
important aspect of our life. Man evolved communications
skills as a social being to enable him pass or send
information from one person to the other or from place to
(v) Artistic Skills: These are close to communicative skills
and are more complex. Includes they art of good writing,
fine and applied arts, music and drama. These skills make
effective use of all the other four kinds of skills where
(vi)Decision-making skills; These can be the difference in
making a choice that improves your organization. The
aptitude to make decisions is a leadership trait, which
portrays your ability to think objectively and relates
concepts to the goals you’re trying to reach.
A secret cult group is referred to as a dangerous and
deadly group that share common ideologies, believe in
secret, esoteric, mystic and engage in violent practices.
(i)Public campaign against cultism: Different
organizations, including the government, schools, religious
institutions, and parents, should promote awareness
against cultism. Seminars and workshops should be
organized to discuss the dangers of cultism all over
schools without leaving out the primary schools.
(ii)Government Standard: The government should also
make laws to punish cultists for pushing away students
and young people from joining these groups. The political
leaders supporting them should also be put to judgment
because they are damaging other children’s lives to make
theirs better;
(iii)Discipline and Studying hard in school to achieve
success: Students should be kept busy and engage in
school via curricular and extra curricular activities.
Because it is a known fact that an “idle mind is the devil’s
workshop”. When students are engage with hard work,
they will not have time to join cult.
(iv)Moral Education should be made compulsor in the
primary and secondary schools in the country.
Parents should take time to understand their children, give
enough time to listen to them at home and satisfy their
emotional psychological and physical needs.
(i) Right to life, Liberty and security of the person
(ii) Right to non-discrimination equality before the law and
equal protection by the law
(iii) Right to the freedom of movement and to choose a
(iv) Right to freedom of force labour, slavery, slavery-like
practices and servitude
(v) Right to freedom and of thought, conscience and
(vi) The right to peaceful assembly and freedom of
(vii) Right to freedom of opinion and expression
(i) Giving financial support to human rights abuse victims
(ii) Individuals are expected to become conscious their
right as citizens and be ready to claim it.
(iii) Joining human rights groups to promote respect for all
human rights
(iv) Willingness to report cases of human rights abuse to
necessary authorities
(i)It advices in the formulation of the policies of
(ii)It implements government policies.
(iii)It advises the government.
(iv)It creates employment opportunities.
(v)It performs delegated /legislative functions.
(i) Poor remuneration: A hungry man is an angry man. The
civil service are poorly remunerated which causes them to
take bribe. The salary they receive is not even enough for
them to pay their children’s school fees. They are not well
(ii) Absence of skilled manpower: Lack of skilled
manpower in the civil service causes inefficiency in the
civil service. Therefore, any organization that lacks
adequate skilled personnel in their organization, will find it
difficult carrying out their operations effectively and
(iii) Poor human resources management: Human
resources management recruits and train workers to work
in the organization. But when the organization cannot
manage their workers, the workers tend to leave the
organization. Poor management of workers causes death
of an organization
(iv) Inadequate materials or insufficient materials: Lack of
materials for work causes inefficiency in the operations of
the civil service. Government failures to provide those
necessary materials that can facilitate work in offices
contribute to the cause of ineffectiveness in civil service.
(v) Corruption: Corruption has eaten deep into the bones
of our civil service, it hard to find a civil servant without
the intent to defraud. When corruption continues to thrive
in the civil service, it affects the general operations of the
civil service.
We are getting thing ready for you. Please be at alert as
we upload the correct questions and answers for civic



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