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WAEC GCE 2017 Physics Practical Answer – Nov/Dec Expos

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS GCE PHYSICS PRACTICAL  PORTAL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MIN ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (1ai) Real values of masses(msi)g msi=50.0 ms2=52.5 ms3=54.5 ms4=58.0 ms5=60.0 Real values of di(cm) d1=5.50 d2=5.80 d3=6.00 d4=6.30 d5=6.60 (1aii) Real values of ti(secs) t1=6.45 t2=6.80 t3=6.85 t4=7.40 t5=7.45 (1aiii) Real values of mli(g) ml1=>msi-mso=50-20=30 ml2=>ms2-mso=52.5-20=32.5 ml3=>ms3-mso=54.5-20=34.5 ml4=>ms4-mso=58.0-20=38.0 ml5=>ms5-mso=60.0-20=40.0 (1aiv) TABULATE i:1,2,3,4,5 msi(g):50.0,52.5,54.5,58.0,60.0 di(cm):5.50,5.80,6.00,6.30,6.60 ti(s):6.45,6.80,6.85,7.40,7.45 mli(g):30.0,32.5,34.5,38.0,40.0 (1aix) (i) I avoided parallax error in reading clock/weight balance (ii) I ensue repeated readings are taken to avoid random error (1bi) (i) weight (ii) upthrust (iii) viscous force/drag or liquid friction (1bii) The amplitude of oscillation of the loaded ...

WAEC GCE Further Mathematics Obj And Essay/Theory Questions and Answer – NOV/DEC 2017 Expo Runz

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS GCE FURTHER  MATHEMATICS  PORTAL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MIN ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OBJ FURTHER MATHS 1-10. BCDBABCDCD 11-20. DBDBACBADA 21-30. BDCCBDCDAB 31-40. BACCDBADCD =============================== Theory complete  ANSWER LOADING.............  ============================ INVITE YOUR FRIENDS TO OUR WEBSITE

WAEC GCE 2017 IRS Obj And Essay Answer – Nov/Dec Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS GCE IRS PORTAL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MIN ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IRS OBJ: 1-10-CCADABAADA 11-20-BAACACADA 21-30-BCABADAAAA 31-40-DDADCCAAAD 41-50-DBCBABAACD ========================= 4a) a) Hajj-e-Ifrad b) Hajj-e-Qiran c) Hajj-e-Tamattu 2) – Transition, which is most significantly for early Muslims, to the phase in which Islam was not only the act of worship, but a way of life. This was encompassing (surrounding) politics, economy, social interactions and every other aspect of life. This was the first time when Islam was looked upon as a comprehensive religion. – Transition from a position where Muslims represented a small group of people, surrounded by enemies and threatened by death, to the position of a regional power with a strong central leadership. This was one that was surrounded by a large number of followers and allies. – Transition from being a simple Islamic group of believers, to being the Islamic natio...

WAEC GCE 2017 CRS Obj And Essay Answer – Nov/Dec Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS GCE CRS PORTAL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MIN +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CRS OBJ: 1-10: BBBDBCDBDD 11-20: CDCAACBABC 21-30: ADBBDADDBC 31-40: BCCDBDCCAA 41-50: CBBABDDCBA ••THEORY COMPLETED•• 1a) In the second creation accounts, God created a garden in the midst of Eden. He use dew to water its garden since forth their was no man to till the ground. He then made four river which separate the whole garden into diffraction such as Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrate. God thought it fits to make man in his own image and likeness. He mold a mud and created man. He breathe into the nostrils of Adam and he became a living soul. Adam was alone in the garden, and God decided to make a partner who will live will him. He cause him to sleep and took one of his ribs which he use to create Even. When Adam woke up, he saw the woman and call her Eve which means Woman. And God instruct them to name all the living creatures and let them...

WAEC GCE English language Obj And Essay/Theory and Test of orals Questions and Answer – NOV/DEC 2017 Expo Runz.

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS GCE ENGLISH LANUAGUE  PORTAL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MIN ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ORAL OBJ 1-10: ABCADCCDBA  11-20: CCABDBACCA  21-30: DBCDDABCAB  31-40: BACBCABCBB  41-50: DADBDDAACC  51-60: AAAADADACC =============================== Confirmed OBJECTIVE 1-10 CDACABBDCC 11-20 CBDBCDABCA 21-30 AACADADACC 31-40 BCDDBBDCAD 41-50 DBACCACBAD 51-60 ADCBCACBBA 61-70 DDDACADACB 71-80 CDDACBDDAC =============================== -THEORY COMPLETED- *Number 1* .                     No. 3 Kunle Bode street,                        Festac Town,                        Lagos State.                        23rd September, 2017. Dear Tim,        I am glad to have h...

WAEC GCE 2017 commerces Obj And Essay Answer – Nov/Dec Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS GCE COMMERCES PORTAL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MIN ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COMMERCE OBJ: 1BCDADDCBAB 11BABBDACDBA 21CCDBCADBCA 31DDABBBCABC 41ABCBBBAAAC =======,=,,,=================== -THEORY COMPLETED- 1a Pipeline transportation can be defined as thetransportation of goods or material through a pipe. ..  Such as Crude oil, natural gas, oil 1b Advantages of Air Transport 1..High Speed: 2..Minimum Cost: 3..Easy transport of costly and light goods: 4...Free from physical barriers: 5..Useful in natural calamities: 1c : (1) The Nature of the Product  (2) The Nature of the market (3)  The Nature of Middlemen  (4) The nature and size of the manufacturing unit  (5) Government Regulati =========================== 2a) i)Memorandum of Association is subsidiary to the Companies Act, whereas Articles of Association is subsidiary to both Memorandum of Association as well as the Act. ii)Memorandum of Associa...

WAEC GCE Government Obj And Essay/Theory Questions and Answer – NOV/DEC 2017 Expo Runz.

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS GCE GOVERNMENT  PORTAL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MIN ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GOVERNMENT OBJ: 1CBDBDACDCA 11ABBBABCAAB 21BABCDCCAAD 31CCABDBCBCA 41DDDCBCADBA Govt-Theory 1a) Communalism refers to a system that integrates communal ownershipand federationsof highly localised independent communities. 1b) i)There is collective ownership of the resources. ii)There is the opportunity for individuals to participate in community development. iii)Absence of division of class. iv)There is opportunity for individuals to participate in decision making. ========================== 2a) Presidential System of Government is one in which there is an executive President, that is, someone vested with all executive powers and who combines the office of head of state and head of government. 2b) i)In Presidential System of Government, the President is both the head of state and head of government, and exercises real executive powers....

WAEC GCE Chemistry Obj And Essay/Theory Questions and Answer – NOV/DEC 2017 Expo Runz.

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS GCE CHEMISTRY PORTAL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MIN ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ================================= OBJ  1.CBDADCBABD  11.BACCBBADCC  21.DCACABABAA  31.DDBDADBBDA  41.BBACDBDCBA CHEMISTRY ANSWERS VERIFIED!!! 1a) Standard hydrogen electrode This is an electrode system which is normally used as a reference electrode, it is formed when hydrogen gas at 25c and pressure of 1 atm is bubbled through onr molar (1M) of Hcl. 1b) Metals are good reducing agent because the are electro donors (metal ionizes by loss of electron) 1c) i)Diamond is used in jewelry because they resist chemical attack and high temperature. ii)Diamond is used as abrassive because they are dense and hard. iii)Diamond is a non conductor of electricity because they lack free valence electron 1di) Chemical change: this is a change which is irreversible and new substances are formed. They are mainly in form of chemical reactio...

WAEC GCE Literature in English Drama and Poetry Obj And Essay/Theory Questions and Answer – NOV/DEC 2017 Expo Runz.

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS GCE Literature in English PORTAL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MIN ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LITERATURE DRAMA/POETRY 9) THE PANIC OF GROWING OLDER The gigantic hopes that one have at age twenty are uncertain and at the age thirty brings emotional pains due to failures. Even the proof that one will live longer enough to achieve the expectations waiting to be achieved is not certain. As one grows through adulthood, various challenges confront one's endeavors, affecting both the personal expectations and the public expectations,i.e, those things the world and the people around expect a person to achieve as a growing adult. “From now on the world has you” shows that every adult is a captive or a slave to the world; one must impress with achievements to be regarded as a success i)Uncertainty of human future and expectations ii)Varying challenges of adulthood iii)Personal and Public expectations of adulthoo...

Waec GCE 2017 Economics Obj And Essay Answer – Nov/Dec Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS GCE ECONOMICS PORTAL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MIN ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *SECTION A* *YOU ARE TO ANSWERS ONE QUESTION IN THIS SECTION* ================ ECONS OBJ: 1BBACBBBDAD 11DCBCCDACB- 21DABBABDBCB 31ABAADADBDD 41CBDCBBBCAD ============================ 1a) Mu=Tu2-Tu1/Q2-Q1 11=p-14/2-1 11=p-14/1 P-14=11 p=11+14 P=25unit Mu3=Tu3-Tu2/Q3-Q2 Q=34-25/3-2 Q=9unit Mu5=Tu5-Tu4/Q5-Q4 S=43-R/5-4 S=43-R S=43-40 S=3unit Mu4=Tu4-Tu3/Q4-Q3 6=R-34/4-3 R-34=6 R=6+34 =40unit 1bi) at the point where the marginal ultility reaches zero ie: where the mu curve cuts the x-axis total ultility reaches it maximum point this is the saturation point. The point of the 6th unit where marginal ultility is zero is significant 1bii) the economic law illustrated in the marginal ultilited in the marginal ultility colunm is the law of disminshing marginal ultility which state that the satisfaction derive from consuming successive units of a commodity...

WAEC GCE 2017 chemistry Practical Answer – Nov/Dec Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS GCE CHEMISTRY PORTAL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MIN ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 100% VERIFIED CHEMISTRY PRACTICAL ANSWERS *PLS NOTE THIS SYMBOLS* 1. ^ means Raise to power 2. * means multiplication 3. sqrt or root means Sqr root 4. / means division or divide 5. degree means degree sign that looks like small zero 6. tita means tita sign that looks like crossed-zero (1ai) Burette Reading(cm^3)| 1   | 2    | 3 | Final Reading   |33.10|30.00|25.00| Initial Reading | 9.60|7.50 |2.40 |   Volume of F used (cm^3)|23.50|22.50|22.60.   (1aii)  Average volume of F used =22.50 + 22.60 / 2 =22.55cm^3 (1bi) GIVEN:Molar Conc of Kmn04 =0.200mol/dm^2 Volume of Kmn04 used =22.55cm^3 Molar Conc of FeSo4. 7H2O=? Volume of FeSO4.7H2O=25cm^3 Mole ratio of Kmn04 =1 Mole ratio of FeSO4.7H2O=5 Using, Molar Conc of KeSO4.7H2O x Volume(FeSo4.7H2O) =n(FeSO4.7H2O)/n(KmnO4) =molar Conc x 25 / 0.0200 x 22.55 = 5/1 =Molar...

2017 Bayero University Kano(BUK)Post-UTME Cut-off Marks, Screening And Registration Procedure

The management of Bayro University Kano has announced the Post-UTME screening exercise for 2017/2018 academic session. Registration will commence on on Tuesday 5th September 2017. Eligibility All candidates who chose the University as their first choice in the 2017 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and made the cut-off marks published below are eligible for 2017/2018 Academic Session post-UTME Screening Exercise. 1. FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE 180 and above 2. FACULTY OF ARTS AND ISLAMIC STUDIES – B.A. ISLAMIC STUDIES 190 and above All other programmes in the Faculty 180 and above 3. FACULTY OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES 200 and above 4. FACULTY OF BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES 180 and above 5. FACULTY OF CLINICAL SCIENCES 200 and above 6. FACULTY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & IT 180 and above 7. FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION 180 and above 8. FACULTY OF DENTISTRY 200 and above 9. FACULTY OF EARTH & ENV. SCIENCES 180 and above 10. FACULTY OF EDUCATION 180 and above 11. FACULTY OF ENGINEE...

2017 University Of Calabar (UNICAL) Post-UTME, Cut-Off Mark And Admission Procedure

We make this announcement for the benefit of all candidates who scored 150 and above in the Joint Admissions & Matriculation Examination and who have chosen University of Calabar as their First Choice in their application for admission into the University for the 2017/2018 academic session. The First Choice aptitude test exercise has been scheduled to take place from Wednesday, September 27, 2017. PAYMENT AND REGISTRATION PROCEDURE The following options are available: E-transact option : This option is available in all commercial banks nationwide. At the bank, you are required to pay and obtain an E-transact PIN. With the PIN, log into the portal and follow the instructions on the portal after login. Scratch Card Option: This option is available in the following banks within Calabar Metropolis ONLY: a. Unical Microfinance Bank d. Heritage Bank c. First City Monument Bank b. WEMA Bank On obtaining the scratch card, proceed as follows: f. Print out the ...

University of Ilorin(UNILORIN)2017 Post-UTME/DE Screening, Cut-off Mark And Registration Procedure

This is to inform all candidates who made the University of Ilorin their first choice in the 2017/2018 admission exercise and scored 180 and above in the UTME that online registration for Post-UTME screening exercise has commenced. The online registration for FIRST BATCH of candidates will end at MIDNIGHT on WEDNESDAY 13th September, 2017 while SECOND BATCH screening registration instructions will follow shortly. The FIRST BATCH screening exercise will start on MONDAY, 11th September, 2017 and will end on SATURDAY, 16th September, 2017 both at the Ilorin and Lagos Centres. Registration Guidelines Candidates are to follows the instructions below as directed by the school authorities. Please note that wrong entries will automatically disqualifies a candidate. -On the home page of the University of Ilorin website, "click on 2017/2018 Pre-Admission Screening Procedure". -All candidates are advised to click on Pre-Admission Screening Instructions an...

Waec GCE 2017 Geography Practical Answer – Nov/Dec 2017

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS GCE GEOGRAPHY PORTAL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MIN ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Geography answers* 1a) old scale; 150,000 new scale; 1/50,000*1/3=1/150,000 new scale; 1;150,000 old length=36cm old breath=36cm new length=1/3*36cm=12cm new breath=1/3*36cm=12 =12cm 1b) diagrams 1c) the map distance =33cm the new scale becomes 1/3*33cm=11cm the ground is = 100,000*11=110,000km 1d) The road network on the mapped area consist of class 1 road which moves from road camp in the southern part and moves through the western part and class 2 and 3 road connected at duayaw-nkwanta and nodal town and pass through susanlo to north west another interchange to dwommo a nodal town and moves to bechem and techimantia which is a commercial area =============================== 4a) Solar system is the collection of eight planets and their moons in orbit round the sun, together with smaller bodies in the form of asteroids, meteoroids, and comets ...

Waec GCE 2017 Physics Obj And Essay Answer – Nov/Dec Expo

WELCOME TO AYOSTUFFS GCE PHYSICS PORTAL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REFRESH THIS PAGE EVERY 5MIN ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Phy-Obj 1ABABDBBBBC 11CCCDADCABA 21BCBCCBDACD 31ADBCDACBBB 41CCBAACACCB COMPLETE  ================== Physics Theory SECTION-A ANS 5 ONLY ================================ 1.a) Horizontal speed just before it strikes floor = ucos(theta) = 10cos0° = 10 m/s (b) t = √(2g/h) = √(2*10*1) = √20 = 4. 47s ================================ 2) i)used ineye surgery ii)used for the precise cutting of flat material iii)used for measuring distances ================================ 3) i)iron ii)steel iii)nickel ================================ 4a) Time (t)=4secs V=0ms^-1 pie call,V^2=U^2+2gh O^2=20^2+2(-10)h 0=400-20h 20h/20=400/20 h=20m 4b) the magnitude of the initial speed (u) is equal to the magnitude of the height attained ================================ ================================ 5) i)availability of constant sunlight ii)nearness to power grid iii)...